Life @ EA

Headteacher’s Blog

Thursday 16 January

I am delighted to report that the Staff pantomime raised an amazing £1327.29 for the charity ‘It’s Good 2 Give’. It is a real testament to the dedication of our staff that they are so willing to undertake this venture either from the stage, front of house or behind the scenes. Particular thanks to Mr Zbikowski for his energetic efforts and I am delighted to say that there was no lasting damage to ‘Dobby’.
On the note of performance, I am very much looking forward to the Scots Cultural Celebration next week. I have also received notification from the Edinburgh and District Burns’ Club Association that they are holding a Burns Competition on Saturday 29 February at St George’s School. Given the quality of some of the performances we see here this may be something some parents would like their children to participate in. There are three sections – verse, song and instrumental. Each school is limited to only two competitors in each section. If you think you might want your child to enter (and they think so too), please contact me via Mrs Maguire and I can go over the details. If there are more children interested than can attend I will arrange an audition for them.
And finally, we have begun work on our new Erasmus+ Project and Mrs Petrie has introduced this in all of our departmental assemblies this week. In short order, a questionnaire will be sent out looking for information that will be used to provide evidence. This is being undertaken by all of our P1 – 6 children and also the children in our partner schools in Estonia, Spain and the Netherlands.

Kind regards,
Gavin Calder

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