Life @ EA

Edinburgh Academy Boys Cricket Tour – Destination Barbados
The Edinburgh Academy Boys Cricket team journeyed to sunny Barbados for a pre-season tour. Nico, Will and Max tell us about the experience.
What was the purpose of the trip?
It was pre-season experience to get us ready for the cricket season ahead. It was very good preparation! We played five matches against some good Barbados sides and I think we're well prepared for the season now.
What was it like to travel again? It has been such a long time since you could.
The journeys to and from were different experiences. The way there was easier because we were full of excitement about going to Barbados and the way back was a bit more brutal. Because of the storms in the UK and flights being cancelled, it was a bit manic on the way back.
What did you do on the trip?
For the first five days, we had a game every day. We had a 40-over game to start, then a 30, a 20, a 35 and then a 20-over game. That was the match structure. Our routine was going to the pool to warm up, playing cricket and then we had free time in the afternoon and evening. On the final day, when there was no cricket, we went on a catamaran tour. It was pretty full-on in a cricket sense.
What teams did you compete against?
Schools were shut for Covid so we competed against local clubs. We played Wanderers Senior team, Isolation, North Star and we played Wanderers Juniors as well. We also played Pickwick.
Did you learn anything new from the experience?
Barbados was certainly a completely different culture to any that I've experienced. Everyone was very nice and chatty. The shops down the street were maybe a 10-minute walk, and you'd have five or six people coming up to you to have a wee chat. During breakfast one morning, a few of us were wearing football shirts of English teams, and a man came up and showed us pictures from when he went to Anfield Family Park at the local stadium, and was telling us about his experiences there. The hospitality was fantastic.
Did you have any new experiences?
Having to apply sun cream every thirty minutes was pretty brutal. Riding on the catamaran – I’ve never done anything like that, getting our beachy hats on and going to the beach and going to the pool at 7:30 in the mornings.
What was your favourite part of the trip?
I would probably say the last game – it was a really tight game. We were at two wins and two losses so far in the trip, and it came down to last over and Nico, our star bowler, produced a great final over to win us the game. That was my highlight.
It's quite a good all-round performance from everyone on the team, and it also showed the progress from the first game when we were sort of headless chickens. By the end it all came together and we won at the same ground where we started.
Did you experience a different style of play competing in another country?
Definitely, the clubs were a lot more aggressive and the cricketers hit the ball well. The first team had a brilliant batsman, and the other clubs all had one player that would come out and just smash it. We've not played against or experienced players like that, so that was new.
Is there anything else you want to add?
Thank you to our teachers for organising it and to our parents for letting us go!