Life @ EA

The Edinburgh Academy Art Exhibition 2020
Art Exhibition – Virtual Reality
Normally after the School Exhibition, the pipe band plays, there’s a jolly good lunch for the leavers and the Art Department is open for parents and pupils to walk round and see all the wonderful pieces produced over the year. This year we are able to continue this tradition with a virtual tour, which fits with our department theme of ‘Absence Presence’ for the year.
Before you click on the link to enter below, can I suggest the following:
- Have a jolly good lunch.
- This is best watched with a proud parent or with your creative child depending on your position in life.
- The tour uses a lot of energy for the computer (not you), so it is best viewed on a computer or laptop, although it will play on an iPad. A phone is not really adequate.
- Be patient and let it download before rushing in..
- You can be guided through or just go wild on your own, in this exhibition it doesn’t matter if you touch the artwork, in fact it is encouraged. The information button is a useful help for both approaches..
- Be very patient with the film clips. When you click on them to view, they may be shy opening up and need gentle coaxing by pressing pause and play to get them started.
- Finally, there is a huge amount of work ‘Present’ in the Exhibition but there is even more that is ‘Absent’. Sorry if you aren’t included- I may not have had photos, I may have had bad photos, I may not have got there and I just could not include everything. Show your family the originals and be proud of all you have achieved.
- Good luck to all those who are moving on from EA, keep in touch.
- Have a great Summer and keep being creative.
- Click on the image below to begin.
A Level film
This film was made for our fantastic A Level pupils, who have exciting futures ahead of them at really good Art Schools. It will give you a bit more information about the journeys that they went on and the high regard they are held in by former pupils, staff and established artists.
Well done class of 2020.