Wrap Around Nursery
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Wrap-around, Nursery Plus & Holiday Club

Nursery Plus 

Nursery Plus means that children can be in the Nursery from 8.00–18.00 if parents require this service. 

It is housed in the Nursery building and the children are cared for extremely well at these times. We carefully select and provide different activities from those that have been out during the Nursery day and always offer the children a chance to unwind and relax with a story, listen to music or chat in a small group with an adult.

For prices and times, please see Wrap Around Care & Holiday Club on the Fees page.

To find out more about Nursery Plus, please contact Laura Donaldson on afterschooljs@edinburghacademy.org.uk or call 0131 624 4908.

Nursery Holiday Club 

We also run an 8.00–18.00 Holiday Club for children from age 3. Holiday Club covers all bar a few days of the school holidays. Booking forms are emailed to parents at the relevant times. For prices and times, please see Wrap Around Care & Holiday Club on the Fees page.

Please contact Laura Donaldson on 0131 624 4908 or email holidayclubjs@edinburghacademy.org.uk for further information.

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